This survey was  co-created by representatives from patient organizations dedicated to people with achondroplasia and experienced clinicians and if endorsed by the European Reference for Rare Bone disorders - ERN BOND.  The aim is to understand the choices and experiences towards limb lengthening among people with achondroplasia. Results of this survey will be presented in the 3rd ICCBH-BOND ERN International Achondroplasia Workshop "Long bone pathology in children with achondroplasia - A pre-meeting workshop at ICCBH 2024", on the 22nd June 2024, in Salzburg, Austria. A report will be made available online after and in open access. The survey is anonymous and no personal data will be shared. If you have achondroplasia and are 12 years of age or older, or you are a parent/caregiver of a child with achondroplasia under the age of 12 years, please complete this survey until the 10th June 2024.

Thank you for participating. If you have any doubt, please contact

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